Do you know your weather

This is a basic test of what the weather world holds. This test holds questions about winter weather, temperatures, and severe weather. Click start and start your voyage. Good Luck!

Do you have what it takes to step into the world of weather. Do you qualify (none, basic, mediocre, excellent) Go show what your made of and good luck!

Created by: Kevin Conant
  1. What precipitation type occurs when all columns of the atmosphere are below freezing.
  2. What thickness is considered the rain and snow line?
  3. What parameter measures potential rotation?
  4. What precipitation type occurs when only a shallow layer of cold air at the surface is available?
  5. Tornado development requires sufficient instability and shear?
  6. What is considered "Winter Storm Warning Criteria" concerning snow in Arkansas?
  7. What is considered "Winter Storm Warning Criteria" concerning ice in Arkansas?
  8. What does a tornado watch mean?
  9. What is considered the freezing level for water?
  10. What ingredients are needed for a severe weather outbreak?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my weather