Was That cc!Dream Or c!Dream?

Hi! Hello! This quiz is about things that Dream from the Dream SMP and Dream the Content Creator have said; quotes are taken from either Dream's reddit apology or his call with Tubbo from the 2025 January drama for the Content Creator's quotes, and Tommy's exile, Tommy's entrapment within Pandora's Vault, or when Tubbo exiles Tommy for the character's.

I am a former Quiz maker, I've only returned momentarily due to a post on Tumblr by soupexpertt that has given me the motivation to make this. I do not support Dream as the content creator.

Created by: Lanni of Quiz Inpiration
(your link here more info)
  1. Tubbo's probably misguided
  2. Put your stuff in the hole.
  3. What? Tubbo, you're not serious.
  4. My interest was getting Tommy away because he causes all the problems.
  5. I don't need to provide proof, it should be obvious.
  6. I'm trying to change, and be better, and not- not be the same person I was.
  7. I think we're having a disconnect
  8. I'm telling you that you're stuck in here for a little while with me.
  9. We're having losts of fun together, for a whole week!
  10. Poor little Tommy

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