Which manipulated dream smp minor are you? (3 of them)

Hello! I'm Eathereal (Eather), the creator of this quiz! I've been watching the dream SMP since December of 2020. Great content during covid, yes? Well, now you should probably get to the quiz, but,

Wait! Let me quickly grab your attention! This quiz is of my knowledge and my opinion, so I'm sorry if you don't agree with any answers and your result! Forgive me please 🥺 (gosh it's so hard to do these)

Created by: Eathereal
  1. Are you afraid of water?
  2. Have you been manipulated? If so, how much?
  3. How many mistakes have you made that you know of?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. :)?
  6. What are you in your friend group?
  7. Who do you think you'll be? (Think carefully)
  8. Lizzie?
  9. Last question, how good are you at reading?
  10. Who is Wilbur to you?

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Quiz topic: Which manipulated dream smp minor am I? (3 of them)
