Warriors love story PART 1 | Comments

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  • Spotkit is a white tom with gray spots on his ears and tail, he has big watery eyes. Spotkit loves you a bunch and would protect you with his life, but be careful, he can get jealous at times when you hang out with other toms. Spotkit’s mom is Frostleaf and his 2 brothers are Mosskit and Swipekit.

  • Mosskit 90%

    A brown tabby Tom with black tiger stripes and smokey grey eyes, he has a long white blaze down his chest and a white hind paw. He loves you a bunch and would protect you and the clan with his life if he had too. His mother is Frostleaf and he has 2 brothers, Swipekit and Spotkit. All of them were so jice but I just had a

    pull to Mosskit! Purrfect characters I say.

  • Spotkit,I still need to get to know them but they all seem nice so far. Pawsome quiz mate I can't wait to see where the story plot continues at!

  • Hey everyone, hope you like the quiz :D

  • Oop I made a mistake it was supposed to say nice not jice.

  • Aww this was cute! I enjoyed it :3
    I got Swipecat! Heheh.


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