Falconheart's Profile

Joined on Apr 3, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Falconheart's Quizzes
- Abandoned but not alone shout out[published: Apr 24, 2015, 3 comments]
Do you want me to keep going on with the series or should I stop? If I should stop than please……
- Warrior cats love story PART 4[published: Apr 23, 2015, 5 comments]
Hey guys welcome to Warrior cats love story PART 4 and I hope that you like reading them as much……
- Warrior cat~break before PART 4~[published: Apr 22, 2015, 5 comments]
Hope you like my quiz and please rate and comment, no scams or mean comments please. This can……
- Abandoned but not alone#3[published: Apr 19, 2015]
I hope you enjoy this vampire werewolf love story and plz rate and comment at the end, no mean……
- Warrior Cats Love Story PART 3[published: Apr 18, 2015, 5 comments]
Hope you enjoy this warrior cats love story and I also hope you get the one that you love, there……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part9~~~~[published: Apr 16, 2015, 5 comments]
Hope you like this quiz and yes this is the finale quiz in the famous, Warriorcats Lovestory!……
- Abandoned but not alone#2[published: Apr 15, 2015]
I hope that you will like taking this quiz as much as I like making them! Please no scams or mean……
- Abandoned but not alone#1[published: Apr 14, 2015, 2 comments]
Hey hope you like it and this is for girls so no boys aloud XD well you could read it if you want but……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part7~~~~[published: Apr 13, 2015, 4 comments]
Hope you like this quiz and I might be making more of them. Plz no scamming and no mean……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part6~~~~[published: Apr 10, 2015, 4 comments]
Thank you for taking all my other quizzes and waiting patiently for me to make this one. The……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part5~~~~[published: Apr 09, 2015, 8 comments]
This is a she-cat quiz not a Tom quiz, so toms... Don't take this quiz or it won't be right……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part4~~~~[published: Apr 08, 2015, 8 comments]
I hope you enjoy reading this and this is for she-cats only, if you haven't noticed yet XD. I……
- Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part3~~~~[published: Apr 07, 2015, 4 comments]
Thank you for reading my quiz and taking it, if you liked it a lot I will probably make a 4th……
- Warriorcats lovestory~~~~part2~~~~[published: Apr 05, 2015, 7 comments]
Thank you for reading my story and participating. Please, NO scamming and NO mean comments.……
- Warriorcats lovestory~~~~part 1~~~~[published: Apr 05, 2015, 7 comments]
Please NO scamming, NO mean comments and leave NICE comments or helpful tips. Leave comments……
- Warrior cats love story PART 2[published: Apr 04, 2015, 4 comments]
Thanks for reading my 2nd love story, I work really hard on these and try to make them the best I……
- Warriors love story PART 1[published: Apr 03, 2015, 6 comments]
I hope you had fun on my warriors love story, I will be making a second one if you liked it, this is……
Falconheart's Recent Posts
"Cherry, when are you making another quiz? "
"I meant mean not ran*"
"Why do you guys have to be so rude to Cherry, it's not like she did anything ran to you guys...?"
"Part 4 is out, I hope you guys like it! "
"I'll make part four tonight since I did a break before part 4"
"Thank you Cherrywhisker! Love you "
"Lol okay"
"Omfg that's so mean, just plz don't leave!!"
"Is that in the lounge or something or a quiz? And plz plz plz don't leave!!!!!!..."
"Wait why??"
"Cherrywhisker Stormfang Darestripe and Brookclaw will be in my story!!"
"Thanks guys I'll have part 4 out by tomorrow and I'm guessing that Darestripe is a girl so sorry if I get it wrong!! :DDD"
"Okay I have three cats so far, Brookclaw, Cherrywhisker, and Darestripe, need one more cat for the next quiz!!! (Darestripe I still need you..."
"Darestripe what is your gender?"
"What's your warrior name? If you want to be in my next warrior cat quiz then please put your ~warrior cat name, pelt color, eye color, and w..."
Falconheart's Recent Quiz Comments
"Purple does not suit me... At all..."
1 -
"Okay I'll come up with new ideas.
Haha okay cherry"1 -
"I made the winners in their own story :P, the quiz before this quiz "
1 -
"Okay, I shall continue XD"
2 -
"Thanks :D"
1 -
"Yep sounds good, what color eyes?"
1 -
"Yes this is a different story than the first 2 "
1 -
"P.s.- you should totally make part 3! "
1 -
"P.s.- you should totally make part 3! "
1 -
"if you were a warrior cat what will your name be? If you want to be in my next quiz please put your warrior name and what you look like!…"
1 reply1