warriorcats thunderclan love 1

warriors have you ever wanted to live the life of one well now you can in this quizz you live the life of a she cat names wateva you want 4 warriors\others have a crush on you


Created by: bummble stride
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you wake up in the morning in the warriors den with moon feather and golden stripe besides you you get up and pad into the clearingand join the sun high patrol and moonfeather asks you hey wanna hunt later?
  2. so no matter what you said you go hunting with him :: you catch a mouse and 2 voles and you about to start going back to camo when you hear a shrieck of terror and the sound of a battle you run back to camp as fast as you can and roughs are attaking you clan!
  3. then you see your fathers limp body liying in the clearing and a grey and white cat standing triumphently above it you lung yourslef at the tom and shred part of his ear off and yowl
  4. a few days pass the roughs have left and all seems peacfull and one day you were hunting alone and out of nowere a gret cat appaers and says ive been whatching you for a while and i think you cute and a good hunter
  5. he touches your musle
  6. you go back to camp either amassed with joy or with anger
  7. the next day you start seeing bone every day at least then one day your on a patrol and bone and a kittypet are FIGHTING and golden stripe and moonfeather were on the patrol!
  8. you break up the fight and you are forced to take both cats as prisoner and you have to put them in an old badger set
  9. then out of nowere you here : your name : im in love with you cliffhanger
  10. who is evil
  11. is firestar a wierdo
  12. bye bye
  13. did you like my quiz : ps there will be more love quizzes in this saga :

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