Warrior Clan Test

This quiz is for people that want to be in a clan. Warrior lovers mostly but any one can come. If you hate warriors I suggest you don't take it. Have fun!

Do you LOVE warriors 'or do you kinda like it? Well, ShadowClan and Tigerstar are waiting to claim the worst in this test of the Clans! Have fun or Tigerstar will get you!

Created by: kira

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like water
  2. Do you like sneaking up on your friends?
  3. Do you like to hunt with guns?
  4. Do you team up with stronger people?
  5. Whats your fave warroir book
  6. Do you read when ever you can
  7. Do you LOVE horses?
  8. Do you love to baby sit?
  9. Do you love to eat sea food
  10. Do you like the first or second series of warriros better

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