Warrior cats - which LostClan OC are you? [WIP]

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Heyo! This quiz is going to tell you what cat of LostClan you are! Currently, the only results available are Petalsong, Skullstrike, and Spikeclaw, but I’ll be sure to add more! Let me know of any questions or ways to improve this!

I didn’t know what to put here, and i still don’t, so.. imma play with predictive text. You do not call me and you don’t know how to tell me what I do do with my life I don’t know why you don’t want me to call you back after I haz was your last night you got to go to do the same things to you and then I don’t wanna have to you have to be to the end and you have to be a meme

Created by: Petalsong_The_Cat_
  1. You love a cat from a different Clan, what do you do?
  2. You see a cat from another Clan in your camp, but nobody else seems to notice. What do you do?
  3. A rogue comes into your territory while you’re hunting. What do you do?
  4. You notice a kit is missing! What do you do?
  5. You find a cat in the lake, you can’t tell who they are, but they seem to not be able to swim. What do you do?
  6. You’re a kit in the nursery, and for today, you’re mother isn’t in the den with you. What do you do?
  7. You’ve just become an apprentice, but your mentor is a cat you DESPISE. What do you do?
  8. You are a newly made warrior, and on your first border patrol, the other Clan attacks! You lead the patrol, so what will you order the others to do?
  9. You just became a medicine cat, and a sickness outbreak occurred! Many cats are sick, including your mother, your siblings, 2 kits, and many others. What do you do first?
  10. You were just appointed deputy! What will you do?

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Quiz topic: Warrior cats - which LostClan OC am I? [WIP]

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