Warrior Cats Rp! (Telling you your name and mate to!)

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Hello Warriors Fans! This is my first rp quiz! The questions are LOOOOOONG! So make sure to grab your prey and ask your leader if you can stop doing warrior duties!

Sorry about that. Give a comment and like and share! If the results you wanted failed, email me: [no emails]! As i was saying, see ya! UwU! (Kits, apps, and warriors can be your result)

Created by: ~WarriorsQuiz#1~
  1. You and your mother, Wave Pelt, are sitting in the nursery with your den mates, Red Kit, Apple Kit, Rich Kit, Leaf Kit. Leaf Kit brushes past you and blushes. Then, the deputy, Lightning Tail, walks into the room and says: "Leaf Kit, Red Kit, and- whats your name again?" He looks at you with questioning eyes.
  2. "Oh, right, its Summer Kit. Im sorry, so Red Kit, Leaf Kit, and Summer Kit are becoming apps. He nods to you and Red Kit purrs next to Leaf Kit. You:
  3. You walk into the clearing and see your leader, Misty Star, sitting on the high rock. Leaf kit sits next to you, purring. Red Kit glares at you and Misty Star yowls for a meeting. "Cats of Thunder Clan. We have 3 kits who are ready to become apps. Red Kit. Until you earn your warrior name, you will be Red Paw. Your mentor is Lion Face. Leaf Kit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be Leaf Paw. Your mentor is Lightning Tail. And finally, Summer Kit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Summer Paw. Your mentor is Moon Tail."
  4. Its time for some fighting moves and you are in the training hollow. "I will pounce at you and you duck and scratch my belly. Ok?" Moon tail repeats when you stared at the bushes. "Ok" You answer. Suddenly, a rogue jumps out of the bush and tackles Moon Tail. You:
  5. It is moons later and Moon Tail lives. This is you and Red Paws & Leaf Paws warrior ceremony. "Red Paw, step forward. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? Your new name is Red Claw. Leaf Paw, step up. Do you promise to serve your clan? Your new name is Leaf Step. Finally, Summer Paw, do you promise to fight for your clan? Your new name is, Summer Tail"
  6. Lightning Tail, the deputy is dead. You mourn him in grief and misery. He was your father. Suddenly, you hear a yowl and you pad through the clearing to see Misty Star on the high rock. Probably announcing the new deputy. "Lightning Tail has died. Lets give a moment of silence for him. Now, its my job to pick a new deputy. I say these words before Star Clan and Lightning Tail. Summer Tail, step up. Do you promise to love me?"
  7. Misty Star step down from the high rock and licks your head. "Then i claim you my mate and deputy" You lick his head.
  8. A few moons later, you have kits! Lightning Kit, White Kit, & Fleck Kit. Leaf Step is mated with Red Claw with their kits, Dawn and Sun. Sun is named for me.
  9. 16 moons later, your kits are warriors! Lightning Kit is Lightning Heart. White Kit is White Tail. Fleck Kit is Fleck Fur. Fleck Fur's mate is Moon Tail. White Tails mate is Little Tail. and Lightning Heart's mate is Black Nose.
  10. Misty Star has lost his lives, and you are now Summer Star. You call a meeting to pick the deputy. "Cats Of Thunder Clan. As you all know, Misty Star has died. Lets give a moment of silence for him. Now, it is my job to pick the new deputy." You look across the clearing to pick:
  11. You choose Moon Tail. A couple moons later, you die. You lost all your lives. Leaf Step, Moon Tail, and your mother, Wave Pelt mourns for you to.
  12. Choose your fate! Bye!

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Quiz topic: Warrior Cats Rp! (Telling you my name and mate to!)
