Warrior cats love story!

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You are an apprentice about to become a warrior in Thunderclan, and u were apprenticed with SilverPaw(Mew), DovePaw(Fur), SorrelPaw(Pelt) and GreyPaw(Pelt)!

With daily apprentice tasks, who will u choose to become ur future mate? Find out now! If I make a part two it will be about their kits, hope it will be as fun as this one!

Created by: SolarPawz
  1. U just woke up in ur den, u turn to ur side and see..
  2. It’s time for ur duties! U decide too..
  3. Time to eat! U go and sit next to..
  4. Time to share tongues! U share tongues with..
  5. Time to sleep!
  6. U woke up! Todays the day u turn into a warrior, who do u go to to chat?
  7. Guess who’s who based on the personality trait!(pick the one that u wanna end up with as mates)
  8. It’s time for the warrior ceremony! U sit next to..
  9. It’s nighttime, and time for ur vigil. U sit next to..
  10. Did u like this quiz?(this won’t affect ur result)
  11. Would u like a part 2?(it would be about ur kits/children)

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