Warrior Cats love story (SHECATS ONLY!!!!)

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HI!!! I'm new to quiz making so if I get something wrong on the quiz just tell me. it's been about a year since I read the series as well, so just tell me if I do anything wrong, your player name is the next paragraph.

In this quiz you will be playing as a kit named Diamond'kit, the other kits are, Osdian'kit, Emerald'kit, and Sapphire'kit, do the quiz to find out the other 1! please dont use Diamod'kit as a character. shes a personal character.

Created by: Bluestar
  1. You we're just born, on a warm summer day, your name is Diamond'kit, you are in the starclan. You first opened you eyes at the age of 1 week, your eyes are the prettiest light blue. What will you say first at the medicine cat?
  2. A few months after you we're born, you meet a kit named Sapphire'kit, he has the most oldly cute green eyes, your first thought is...??
  3. Then you left to go find your mentor, you are now 3 years old, you wonder to find he/she, you want to be a medicine cat. you run into a kit, he is from ShadowClan, his name is Raven'Kit, you say...
  4. Raven'kit's brother walks up "WHO'S THIS?!!!??? SOMEONE FROM STARCLAN?!?!" ".................... maybe." he said as he started to blush at you. "h...hi" you say to the new kit. "GRRRRRRRRRRR!! HISS!!!!!" he said to you. you respond
  5. (IF YOU WALKED OFF) Raven'kit goes gloomy as Osdian'kit goes "THAT WAS HER SMARTEST CHOOSE!!"
  6. you go to the windclan teratory. and you met Emerald'kit. he's going to be a warrior.
  7. you finally found your mentor!! she is the medicine cat. "HI!!! I'm Diamond'kit!" "Sorry my kits name is Diamond'paw" she said "MY new name will be Diamond'paw!!"
  8. answers or more questions?
  9. who's your choose that u want
  10. glich

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