Warrior Cats Love Story She-cats Pt. 1

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You are a white she-cat with pale grey spots named Cloudheart. The four clans are Flowerclan, Rainclan, Shadeclan and Islandclan. You are kind, funny, and helpful.

The results are Bramblepelt of Flowerclan, Ashpelt of Flowerclan, or Thunderpelt the Flowerclan medicine cat. Bramblepelt is a brown tabby cat, Ashpelt is a grey and white tom, and Thunderpelt is a ginger and brown cat.

Created by: QuizCat
  1. You are awoken by the deputy. He asks if you want to go on the Dawn patrol or help Thunderpelt gather herbs.
  2. If you said gather herbs, select "I went herb picking" instead.On the patrol, Ashpelt decides that him and Spotleaf would go to the Rainclan border, Windsong and Charcoalheart would go to the rouge border, and you would go to Truce Rocks. While you are checking out the border near Truce Rocks, you smell Rainclan scent. You turn around and spot a cream tom with chocolate brown spots. What do you do?
  3. If you went on the Dawn patrol, please select " I went on the Dawn Patrol."Once you and Thunderpelt were out of the camp, Thunderpelt said, "Cloudheart, you are a skilled and beautiful warrior." and licked your ear and twined his tail around yours.
  4. That night, do you go to sleep near Ashpelt, Bramblepelt, or in the corner?
  5. In the morning, Lilystar tells you that you and Bramblepelt need to go look for the fox scented yesterday. Near Cresent Pond, an orange blur leaps out and attacks you. The fox bites the soft side of your throat and scratches your belly. You hear Bramblepelt attack the fox, and everything goes black.
  6. When you wake up in the medicine den, Thunderpelt is staring at you worriedly. "I thought you were going to die!" "Wha-what happened?" you replied. Then you remembered.
  7. Thunderpelt sighed and said "Bramblepelt is fine, You were visited by Ashpelt. I'm just glad you're ok."
  8. You leave the medicine cat's den and run into Bramblepelt. "Hey-do you want to go hunting?" he asked.
  9. You and Bramblepelt race and play until you reach the shade of Rose Tree. Bramblepelt turns around and twines his tail with yours. He presses his nose onto your nose, and says, "You're my world Cloudheart. Nothing matters but you."
  10. When you head back to camp, you are ambushed by Ashpelt. He wraps his paws around you and laughs. "Oh, Cloudheart! You are the only cat I would want by my side."

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