Warrior Cat Love Story (She-Cats only) Part 1

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Hi, this is my first quiz, so I hope you enjoy it. Also my apologies to the toms. :) I will make a quiz for you guys soon. :) I just need to finish this series first.

In this quiz you are a young She-Cat named Dawnpaw. Your the daughter of ThunderClans leader Foxstar. your in a prophecy that stats "The light of Dawn will save all the clans from the darkness." Now on with the quiz!

Created by: Dawnlight
  1. "From this day forward you will be known as Dawnpaw. Your mentor will be Sunpelt." Foxstar says. You sit up a bit straight and inside you feel:
  2. Your brothers, Hawkpaw and Eaglepaw, come bounding up. Their mentors right behind them. "We were going to go explore the territory, do you want to come?" Alderheart said. "Sure." Sunpelt said.
  3. While exploring the territory, you get ambushed by ShadowClan. You are taken prisoner and dragged back to the ShadowClan camp. Inside you feel:
  4. Ur taken before the ShadowClan leader, Silverstar. "Dawnpaw, daughter of Foxstar and prophesied savior of the clans." She says, "And now your my prisoner." Ur response is:
  5. Did you read them?
  6. It's the day of the gathering. ShadowClans plan is to take u with them. Their plan is to demand territory from ThunderClan in exchange for ur safe return. But on the way to the gathering the 4 ShadowClan cats with u are suddenly knocked down. U spot Redpaw, Sprucepaw, Rosepaw, and Eaglpaw. Then another cat steps out of the shadows. It's Jaypaw.
  7. "Come on" Jaypaw said. "We have to get to the gathering before Silverstar tries to bargain with Foxstar." You nod and the 6 of you take off running through the trees. Making it the fallen tree just in time.
  8. Silverstar is enraged and she flies at Foxstar knocking him off of the leaders tree. You:
  9. Ripplestar lunges forward and manages to grab Foxstars scruff and pull him back onto the tree.
  10. Okay, Bye

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