Warrior Cats Love Story!!! (Part One)

This quiz focuses on you! It's from a she-cat's POV, a new member of ShadowClan after her mother passes under mysterious circumstances. What will happen?

This mixes love with mystery, and the best part of all, there's actually a LGBTQ+ option! So don't worry about having an only tom cast. And don't forget the no mate option!

Created by: Plastic
  1. You awake in a strange den. You look desperately for your mother, but to no avail. A black she-cat looks at you. "Hello, I'm Duskrunner. We found you abandoned, and we decided to take you in. Your mother is... dead." How do you react?
  2. Duskrunner looks away, her expression unreadable. "I'm sorry, I really am. If you want to see your mother one last time, we've left her body outside of camp so you could say goodbye before we bury her."
  3. Eventually, your mother is buried. You're then approached by a tall white she-cat with blue eyes. She's quite lithe, even for a wild cat. "You may call me Whispstar. We couldn't find anyone to take care of you, so, would you like to join our clan?" Sniffling, you accept. Whispstar gives you the name Reedpaw, as you're now a member of ShadowClan. You see other cats your age. Who do you approach first?
  4. Regardless of who you wanted to sit next to, the white tom you saw dashed right up to you. "Hi, I'm Dewpaw! Great to meet you! What's your name?"
  5. Another tom padded over to you. It was the stubby ginger one. He glared at you. "Pssh, a kittypet, eh? I bet you'll only be another mouth to feed. But I guess you can call me Tansypaw."
  6. Finally, the she-cat approached you. She dipped her head in greeting. "Hello Reedpaw. My name is Marshpaw. I'm sorry for your loss. You can always talk to me."
  7. And that's it for now! How did you like the quiz!
  8. Sorry, filler questions!
  9. Blah blah blah
  10. Blah blah blah

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