Warrior Cats love story by Spottedstar :)

You are ______paw, and you have to choose between Lynxpaw, Lionpaw, or Dawnpaw. Who will you choose? You will find out in this exciding quiz! Or Rp. Find out now!

This is my third ever quiz, so don't judge me, you can if this is my 50 one... which it is NOT! Please give me ideas for the next one or a new series!

Created by: Spottedstar
  1. Your name will be displayed as _______paw. that means you.
  2. You just got made an apprentice. Sunstar told Dawnpaw to show you to your den, he went the wrong way a couple of times, so you had to show him, he only has one eye because of a badger, " There you go, to your lovely den." he said as he went to his nest next to you and went to sleep.
  3. The next morning you had to train with your mentor Brightflame, " Alright _____paw, attack me." she said as she crouched at the end of the clearing.
  4. Lynxpaw is out training with his mentor Whitefur with you, you see him mess up a few times, you...
  5. After training for what seemed like forever, you and Lynxpaw return to camp with a vole, a rabbit, and a squirrel. You go to put your prey on the freshkill pile, " H-hey ____paw, would you like to share this rabbit w-with me?" Dawnpaw says as he grabs a plump rabbit.
  6. Later that day Lionpaw pads up to you and says " Hey ____paw, would you like to go to the river with me to watch the sunset?" You look across the clearing and see Lynxpaw shooting a jealous glare at Lionpaw. He pretends to not notice " Well... do you?" He asks. You...
  7. You wake up in the middle of the night and Dawnpaw somehow rolled halfway on top of you. You glance over and all the other toms are asleep. You...
  8. The next day Sunstar calls a clan meeting, " The time has come for 3 kits to be made apprentices. Snowkit step forward." Snowkit was only born with 3 legs, so she hopped up there, " You have chosen the path of a medicine cat, you will have special connections with Starclan. Your mentor will be Cinderheart, from this moment on until you get your medicine cat name, you shall be know as Snowpaw. Firekit, from this moment on until you get your warrior name, you shall be known as Firepaw! Fawnkit, from this moment on until you get your warrior name you shall be known as Fawnpaw!" " SNOWPAW FIREPAW FAWNPAW!" You..
  9. @______@ will be your enemy. Example: @______@ hissed at you. So @_____@ is....

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