Warrior cat's love story (She-cats only! no tom's!)

Which are you in love with? find out with this quiz, and if you like it, i will make more! you might not be in love, and you might be a villian, who knows, maybe you might get kits

Info about them. Mistletoefoot: a small black tabby tom, who is blind. Twilighttwing: an unkind Tortiseshell tabby tom, who hates everyone around him, especially you, he hates you most. Ottertail: A brown tabby tom, sweet and gentle, but very strong. Minnowclaw: a very small tom, who has the smallest claws, smaller then a kits

Created by: Gracek
  1. You are born, your mom is Donnortail, father is Pantherstealth, you spot a blind kit named Mistletoekit, and 2 normal ones named Otterkit and Minnowkit, all males, who do you play with?
  2. While playing with Mistletoekit, the leader Roosterstar looks at you, obviously shipping you
  3. You become an apprentice today with your friends Otterkit, Minnowkit, and Mistletoekit. Roosterstar anounces "Otterkit, until you get your warrior name, you shall be known as Otterpaw, your mentor shall be Donnortail. Willowkit (you) until you get your warrior name, you shall be known as Willowpaw, your mentor is Mouseleap. Minnowkit, until you get your warrior name, you shall be known as Minnowpaw, your mentor is Blackfur! Mistletoekit, until you get your warrior name, you will be Mistletoepaw, and your mentor will be our med cat, Nilefoot" what is your reaction
  4. You get to be warrior's today, and you come out with you and your friends warrior names, Willowtree (you), Ottertail, Mistletoefoot, and Minnowclaw. Ottertail starts "Willowtree" Minnowclaw continues "We all like you" Mistletoefoot finishes "Which one of us do you like?"
  5. Do you like this quiz?
  6. should i make more?
  7. Who did you want to be with
  8. Did you know that Mouseleap and Blackfur are your grandparents, and Roosterstar is your great grandpa
  9. Do you think you will get the cat you want?
  10. Bye 👋

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