Warrior Cat OC Generator

This is my first quiz so don't hate on it too much! Also, if you could click that green smiley face that'll help *side eye*. ⚠ Don't steal the ocs! ⚠!

Why would I need to write multiple paragraphs just for the sake of wasting your time? Guess what? This does waste your time, so skip if you dare. :) ☺

Created by: FallenIsGone
  1. First question! Do you put your needs before others?
  2. Is this OC evil or good?
  3. Rp time: You're out on patrol with two other warriors. Suddenly, a SpiderClan patrol ambushes you! What do you do?
  4. What's their personality?
  5. Tom or She-cat?
  6. Light fur or dark?
  7. Does the oc have a disability?
  8. Does the oc live long?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Bye!

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