Warrior Cats Name Generator

This is a quiz you can make which will show you what your Warriors name is! You can choose between tom and molly at the end too. Just have fun and don't worry about your answers too much!

These names are all made up by me (even though I found out some are real at the end). Please don't steal it, and if you wanna share it, put my name in it. Okay? Good luck!

Created by: Isabella_Loves
  1. Which one is your cat?
  2. What good qualities does he/she have?
  3. What less good qualities does he/she have?
  4. Well, let's take a little RP. You run through the forest, and you see a fox! You...
  5. More RP! You see a kit, almost drowning in the water! But... You hate water! You...
  6. Choose a color.
  7. So, we have 4 questions left. I wanna give you a break, so choose which one of these characters you liked the most.
  8. 3 questions. What role would you be?
  9. Okay, so, we have 2 questions to go. Let's make these easy and short. What Clan do you like most?
  10. Okay, there's only one left-// Come on, this is an easy one! What's most important for you?
  11. That was it! Did you like this quiz? (this answer won't count)

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