What Clan In The Warrior World Are You?

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Hi!! This is to let you know what clan in the warrior world you belong in! I will add more questions over time. but let me know what you think on my poll!!!!

Any Comments PLEASE TELL ME!!!! I am new at making these and need all the help I can get. Please give me the green smiley!!! Or whatever you feel is accurate!!

Created by: QuizWhiz
  1. Do you like to swim?
  2. Are you a master at hide and seek?
  3. Do you love sunny days when the light is shining through the tree's???
  4. Do you like being high up?
  5. Do you love being out in the open?
  6. Are you fast??
  7. Who are you in the friend group.
  8. Are you Artsy??
  9. Your FAVORITE Color?
  10. Are you very active?? (sports)

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Quiz topic: What Clan In The Warrior World am I?
