Warrior Cat Love Story-Part 1 (She-Cats Only)

This is a snip of Shimmerpelts CRAZY life hope you enjoy! Also there might not be a 2 of this cause I might forget what this is about..(sorry) and I had such a big struggle trying to do this!

Also it's my fist quiz I have ever made and it's super hard so might have a couple problems with it. (sorry if some stuff might not work I didn't know how hard this was actually going to be..)

Created by: Sandstorm
  1. "From this day on you will be known as Shimmerpelt!" BranchStar announced "Shimmerpelt! Shimmerpelt! Shimmerpelt!" The clan yowled
  2. You hopped down from the clan rock and a ginger tom walked up... "Congrats Shimmerpelt! I'm Flamepelt."
  3. Lightfur the deputy started to assign border and hunting patrols. Shimmerpelt (you) was assigned a hunting patrol with Flamepelt, Darkpool a handsome young black tom, and Dappleheart a pretty she-cat.
  4. A fox came out of the bushes and rammed into you like a bull then everything went black... You woke up to Flamepelt licking you all over. "Are you ok that was a hard hit." You felt woozy but answered "I think so...." You saw that Darkpool was fighting off the fox and Dappleheart had disappeared.
  5. (Time warp to next day) Ends up you had blacked out again and was brought back to the camp by Flamepelt. You woke up in the medicine den with Flamepelt sleeping peacefully beside you both your pelts were brushing.
  6. (Time warp to early in the morning) I sat down in between Darkpool and Flamepelt with the rabbit I chose. Flamepool asked if we could take a walk together so we could talk.
  7. (Sorry this is only if you pressed you wanted to go with Flamepelt) He started to talk " I have something to tell you...."
  8. There was a guy a tom actually it was.......
  9. Cliffhanger!!!!!!!
  10. Sorry I had to end it. But who do you love?

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