Warrior Cats Love Story! Part One! By: Cloudheart

Hello! I got inspired by other love stories! Please enjoy. Also, if it's in these: ** Then it is a thought. Ex: *I like cats* would be a thought. ENJOY!!

You are a she-cat named Cloudheart. You have newly received your warrior name. You are a white cat with soft green eyes. Three cats have a crush on you: Smoketail, the deputy, Duskjaw, the bad boy, and Hailstar, the leader of your clan, DawnClan. ENJOY!

Created by: Cloudheart
  1. You walk into the warrior's den after being named a warrior. A smoky gray tom walks up to you. "Welcome to the warrior's den, Cloudheart!" he mews.
  2. You lay down on the ground. A brown tom comes up to you with bedding. "I'm Duskjaw." He leaves as soon as you are about to thank him.
  3. Hailstar walks up to you. He was your mentor, so you know him well. "Cloudheart, can you patrol with Gingerfur and Duskjaw?" He asks sweetly.
  4. You find Gingerfur, a very kind ginger she-cat, and Duskjaw. Duskjaw nods to you and walks ahead. Gingerfur bumps Duskjaw affectionately, and Duskjaw ignores her.
  5. When you are on patrol, a fox pounces on you! You struggle and you catch a glimpse of Hailstar's silver pelt.
  6. Hailstar attacks the fox on top of you. "Cloudheart, are you alright?"
  7. Gingerfur walks up to you and shakes her head. "Why doesn't Duskjaw love me?"
  8. If you choose "Because he doesn't", Gingerfur looks at you with confusion. If you chose "Because you hit on him too much.", then Gingerfur mews, "Thanks for the advice!", and runs away. If you chose "Because he loves me", then Gingerfur scowls and walks away.
  9. Hailstar presses his muzzle against you. "Let's go, Cloudheart, my queen!"

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