Trivia Crack!!!

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Let's do a good Trivia Crack quiz that u all will enjoy guys!I hope u a really enjoyable and successful game of Trivia and hope taht u comment on my quiz.

Are u a genius really?!Or u just think that u are one?!Then take this Trivia Crack quiz now and learn instantly your result and then decide if you are or not one.(VERY ACCURATE QUİZ)

Created by: Ebru

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who composed the Moonlight Sonata?
  2. Which of these African countries doesn't have a coast?
  3. When did the construction of the Titanic begin?
  4. Who beat the Detroit Lions in the 2014 wild card playoff?
  5. What is the name of the actor who portrays the title character in BBC Sherlock?
  6. Which of the following all-star cheerleaders did not cheer for Cheer Athletics?
  7. What does vexology study?
  8. Which of these is a flying mammalian?
  9. What is the phrase Marie Antoinette is known for?
  10. OK BEST ONE!->Which U.S. state is Walt Disney World located?

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