To which American political faction do you belong?

This quiz shall assist you in figuring out which faction of the two major political parties you find yourself most aligned with on the basis of the issues that are the most commonly discussed in the year 2021.

Hopefully, this test shall be useful in allowing you to learn more about American politics, but the key to being informed is to regularly consume the news from credible sources.

Created by: Vetriutan
  1. How do you support reforming the US's healthcare system?
  2. Do you support increasing the minimum wage?
  3. What is your position on the child benefit within the American Rescue Plan?
  4. What is your position on individual tax reform?
  5. What is your position on corporate tax reform?
  6. How do you support reforming Social Security?
  7. Do you support a US withdrawal from Afghanistan?
  8. What is your position on US trade relations?
  9. How would you address climate change?
  10. How do you propose reforming policing in the United States?
  11. What is your position on the flow of unauthorized immigrants into the United States?
  12. What is your position on gun control in the United States?
  13. What is your position on abortion?
  14. What is your position on the criminalization of cannabis?
  15. How do you support reforming US electoral laws?
  16. What is your position on the filibuster?
  17. Do you support abolishing the Electoral College?
  18. How would you reform the Supreme Court?

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Quiz topic: To which American political faction do I belong?

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