Australia's Political Parties - Which Do You Align With

This quiz is a quiz that will attempt to match your ideology with that of Australia's three biggest political parties. This quiz will be a good alternative to tests like the Political Compass.

This test includes a great number of questions from different fields and debates including taxes, foreign aid, national security, culture wars, foreign policy, et cetera.

Created by: Christian P
  1. I’d always support my country, whether it was right or wrong.
  2. No one chooses their country of birth, so its foolish to be proud of it.
  3. Freedom of business is the best practical way a society can prosper.
  4. Should current social welfare payments be generally increased?
  5. Should the minimum wage be increased?
  6. The rich should be taxed more.
  7. The big four banks should be closely monitored by the government
  8. Should cannabis be legalized?
  9. There should be a big crackdown on tax avoidance among big businesses
  10. Should Australia Day be celebrated on Jan 26?
  11. Should we continue offshore detention for people who enter Australia illegally by boat?
  12. Should parents be able to leave their child's gender off their birth certificate?
  13. Aboriginal Australians should be recognised in the constitution?
  14. Australia should do more on climate change
  15. The ABC should receive more funding
  16. Australia should commit to giving more foreign aid

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Quiz topic: Australia's Political Parties - Which do I Align With
