The Political Preference Quiz

Take this very accurate political quiz and find out where you are on the political spectrum. Are you a Conservative? Are you a Liberal? Are you a Constitutionalist? Are you a Moderate? Find out here!

You may be surprised! This quiz will rank you among many famous leaders and compare you to where they stand. This includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, among others.

Created by: Jason Dodson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Abortion is....
  2. The War on Terrorism is....
  3. Hate Crimes are....
  4. George W. Bush is....
  5. The Judeo-Christian Bible is....
  6. Poverty is....
  7. War is....
  8. Taxes are....
  9. Islam is....
  10. Bill Clinton....
  11. Limited federal government is....
  12. Marriage is....
  13. "As long as it does not harm anyone, do what you want" is....
  14. Many "illegal" drugs should....

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