therian quiz (not 100% accurate)

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This is a therian quiz! its not accurate but it still works! Have fun doing this quiz! i dont have much left to say..... Do some research! see if you are a therian... hope this quiz helps

This is a short quiz and i would say.. 80% accurate! sorry its short tho.. Do some more research on it she if you are a therian! remember, not all therians wear gear and do quads

Created by: moonfall
  1. Do you like animals such as wanting to be one?
  2. do you feel like you have animal body parts such as Horns, Fur, Claws, Ect.
  3. are you a therian?
  4. do you like animals
  5. do you like nature?
  6. What is your favorite animal? (this will effect it by 1)
  7. Which of the following places do you like?
  8. Do you feel connected to nature?
  9. do you know what a therian is
  10. sorry this is short

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