Hiiiii! I’m Charlie! This is a quiz you can take for fun, or incase you think you are a therian! I hope you enjoy this mostly accurate quiz! Enjoy! :)

I’d suggest you look some of this up! Some of this stuff you might not understand! Just incase ;) but if you don’t, that’s great!I hope you have lots of fun! Remember: this is mostly accurate (like 75%)

Created by: Charlie
  1. Which do you enjoy the most?
  2. Do you ever make animalistic actions or noises when agitated or angry?
  3. Do you think you are a therian?
  4. Do you feel connected to any spots of nature?
  5. Do you think you are LGBTQ+ ?
  6. Do you feel connected to animals in any way?
  7. What animal do you feel most connected to?
  8. Are you tired most of the time?
  9. Which one describes you best?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I A THERIAN?
