What is your Thereotype?

This quiz can help you find your thereotype based on your personality. A Therian is someone who has a spiritual or psychological connection to an animal/animals. Those are theriotypes. You cannot choose to be a Therian.

A Therian is someone who has a spiritual or psychological connection to an animal/animals. They do activities such as quadrobics and wearing gear (masks, tails, ears, etc.). Therianthropy is not a choice.

Created by: Starri_Latte
  1. Are you introverted?
  2. Would you be described as aggressive sometimes?
  3. Do you strive for freedom?
  4. Do you prefer high places are ground level places?
  5. Do you like doing Therian quadrobics (running and jumping on all fours, etc.)?
  6. Are you jumpy/skittish?
  7. Do you prefer the outdoors or indoors?
  8. Do you like learning new things?
  9. What are your hobbies?
  10. Choose a word to describe yourself.

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Quiz topic: What is my Thereotype?
