Theory questions

am throughly enjoying the Business, Adminstration and Accountanting course that I am doing this year and aim to complete it in June 2024. I am hoping to progress to this HND Business course as I am looking forward to studying something that is solely related to Business. My main interests within this sector is all forms of Marketing. I currently have a part - time job in Charles Michies Coffee Shop which I have had for over a year and am very passionate about. Some of my hobbies/interests are swimming, going to the gym, cooking and baking.

jen meme wmmwmwkwm w,my,w,wow what, wimwkwm wkkwkwkwmkwkwlwlw w,kwmwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwl mwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkm makwikwiwowowowow mkkkooon mkklloollllllll. wmakwk

Created by: beth tinker
  1. You’re traveling in very heavy rain how is it likely to affect your overall stopping distance?
  2. You’re on a motorway in fog. The left hand edge of the motorway can be identified by reflective studs. What color are they?
  3. What should you do when you park on the road and it’s foggy?
  4. What should you use the hard shoulder of a motorway for?
  5. When may you reverse from a side road into a main road?
  6. When may you cross a double solid white line in the middle of the road?
  7. You’re traveling in the left hand lane of a three lane moterway. How should you react to traffic joining from a slip road?
  8. Why are yellow criss cross lanes painted on the road?
  9. How would you identify a section of road used by trams?
  10. What’s the maximum speed of powered wheelchairs or scooters used by disabled people?
  11. Why is it important to check your right mirror just before turning?
  12. You’ve stalled in the middle of a level crossing and can’t restart the engine. The warning bells start to ring what should you do?
  13. What should you do before joining a moterway?
  14. What should you do as you approach a long tunnel?
  15. What does the white arrow on the road ahead mean?
  16. You’re on a motorway. Red flashing lights appear above your lane only. What should you do?
  17. On which occasion should you inflate your tyres to more than their normal pressure?
  18. What’s the aim of a smart motorway?
  19. Where should you never overtake a motorcyclist?
  20. You want to pull up on the left just after a junction on the left. When should you signal?
  21. What’s most likely to waste fuel?
  22. How should you signal when going straight ahead at a roundabout?
  23. You’re at a junction controlled by traffic lights when shouldn’t you proceed at green?
  24. 🅿1mile What does this sign mean?
  25. What should you do when approaching traffic calming humps?

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