How much do you know about Compliance?

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Stay fit during the lock down and excercise your Compliance muscles! Let's prepare ourselves for a great return to our activities! Review some of our essential policies, complete the quiz, and see the results!

Remember: in everything we do, we never compromise on: Safety | Integrity | Quality | Respect | Sustainability. Make transparent business decisions Seek help when in doubtLive by our Code of Business Conduct Encourage reporting of concerns to anyone in your Organization

Created by: Emanuela Galloni
  1. A Government Official requests Company to pay for his trip to visit Company's facilities. Is this acceptable?
  2. A vendor gives you a $25 gift card for selecting him as the preferred vendor for a project. Is this acceptable?
  3. A political organization requests that you donate to their campaign. Is this acceptable?
  4. A $1,000 donation during an auction for a non-profit organization. Is this acceptable?
  5. A new commercial consultant refuses to accept any anti-corruption provisions in their contract with the Company. Any concerns?
  6. You hire a tax consultant to provide internal advice to the Company finance team. Any concerns?
  7. A client asks if you can provide an unpaid internship to her daughter. Is this acceptable?
  8. A employee of a National Oil Company asks you to donate money to help plant trees for the local community. Is this acceptable?
  9. The Ministry of Oil requests that you use a specific local sponsor in order to win work in the country. Any concerns?
  10. An approved visa processing company is restructured and now is partially owned by the CEO of a National Oil Company. Any concerns?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Compliance?
