What is your SEO Style

Search Engine Optimization is one of those things every business knows they need to draw the right visitor to their website. But it is confusing and often down-right scary for many business owners. It doesn't have to be so scary.

Knowing your SEO Style is the first step to figuring out what type of approach to use. You can determine if you are better off outsourcing or taking an active role. This great quiz will reveal what is important to you and what to consider in an SEO plan.

Created by: Tami
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I'm committed to building momentum and awareness of my brand. I understand SEO takes time, but has a huge payoff. What I am most interested in is:
  2. What is your greatest strength as an entrepreneur?
  3. What would the perfect seo plan look like?
  4. Which statement best describes your current level of online marketing?
  5. It is important to have a clearly written persona for my ideal client.
  6. Which statement best describes your needs?
  7. I believe my website and marketing plan:
  8. I've had my website for ______ years.
  9. What is your biggest obstacle to getting the right traffic to your website?
  10. The phrase that best describes your SEO needs & budget.
  11. What phrase best describes you?
  12. What words best describe your qualities?

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Quiz topic: What is my SEO Style