The Whisper Of Blood Part One

This is kind of a ghost story / murder story with maby a bit of love I'll decide later on , maby you should say in comments I'll try and get the next part out soon if you enjoy it ! :)

This is kind of a ghost story / murder story with maby a bit of love I'll decide later on , maby you should say in comments I'll try and get the next part out soon if you enjoy it ! :)

Created by: Azaura
  1. I got to my room after it was pointed out to me . After all the tourture and time it made scence "How do you think it works Derrick ?" I asked him as we ran up the stairs of the old house I lived in "I dunno I've just got a hunch" he said .
  2. We ripped down the wall paper and stared at my golden wall paper "Ready?" I asked him "As always" he replied as we ripped down the wall paper reveling words in blood a door and a key hanging from the dry blood on a string , we had one problem though there was no handle on the door .
  3. I suppose your wondering how I got here so let's start from the beginning when I moved to this old house on the Sixteenth of January 2007. "SWEETIE DO YOU HAVE THE LAPTOP?" shouted my mum from the car , I looked down at my box I was carrying . Charger , Christmas deccorations , Dads under ware "Yuck" I exclaimed throwing them on the ground my teddy and "YES I'VE GOT THE LAPTOP" I shouted back picking it out of the box and putting it to the top of the pile and walking into the new house . The floorboard squeaked . It was a massive house , a mantion but it was basically made of wood , like a Tudor house but it was for the top of class Tudors . It had 16 different rooms , bathroom living room kitchen lots of bedrooms I've only seen it once before so I couldn't tell you .
  4. I just moved here from Barbodos . I'm in London , England now . I set my box down to the side and looked up . As soon as you walked in you were in the living room , in the living room there was a couch and a wooden table and a fire place , it was very bare at the moment , then in the middle of the living room is a spiral stair case leading up to bedrooms and two bathrooms , I looked to my right to be greeted by a stone wall , I looked to my left to see some stairs going down , I decided to go and investergate .
  5. The Staicse leaded to the kitchen it was massive huge extrodinary it was defonately old though . In the middle was a stove / oven and on top was a place to hang the spoons and ladles . The Walls had worktops all around excluding the entrance so you could get out.
  6. I walked out out of the kitchen into the dimly lit hallway and back up the stairs , each one creaking with every step I took when I got to the top I saw my mum had unloaded the car and was lying on the sofa exhausted She pointed to a box with my stuff in " Up the stairs third door on the right " she huffed I walked up to my new room
  7. The wall paper was golden but the colour didn't really suit the room it made it look wired . The bed was huge though just like the room . If I must say so my family was pretty ritch .I grabbed my stuff and put it where it was ment to be before jumping on the king sized bed this was certainly the best place I have ever lived .
  8. I soon fell asleep and was woken by a bang and footsteps I looked to my right at my clock I got out earlier 3:32 why wouldmy mum or dad be up now?
  9. I got out of bed and looked out side of my door. There was a woman there in the hallway an unformilliar face . I'd never seen her and she wasn't one of the maids she just stood there looking straight . The woman in the hallway was wearing a Victorian dress big at the bottom tight at the top , she had long black hair to her waist and she looked lifeless and dull. "Hello?" I called out to her . The hallway had no lighting , I was amazed I could see her she just kept staring straight "Hello?" I said again she looked at me and gave a blood curling scream an then just dissapered . I went back into my room closed the door and fell to the floor breathing heavily what the heck did I just see?
  10. I was scared out of my mind who was she ? Why was she in my house ? How did she just dissapere ? Wait why didn't mum and dad wake up lazy gits ! I looked up at my room . It was just how I left it . Ofcorse it was what am I talking about I'm 15 what happened in the hallway was just my mind playing tricks on me I got up off the floor and looked at my hands they were red , bleeding . How were my hands bleeding? I got out of my room and went to the upstairs bathroom . I turned on the light and looked at my reflection in the mirror I then looked down at the skink and turned on the tap. I ran my hands under the cold water . The red substance rushed off my hands and down the drain I checked my hands back and front there was no cut . If that wasn't blood on my hands ...then what was it?
  11. I walked back to bed , maby that was just my imagination maby this was just a bad dream I walked back to bed and fell asleep immediately just to be woken up by my alarm going off .I walked down the stairs and down to the living room where my mum and dad were my dad arrived last night . "Hi honey how did you sleep ?" my mum asked "Bad Dream" I replied "What about _____" asked my Dad "We Heard you get up" said my mum maby that wasn't a dream , maby it was reality

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