are you a demigod?

When i read Percy Jackson, i simply loved it.It was just awesome.(But I know that you guys have your own opinions about it.)I started day-dreaming to become a half-blood.(so dumb!)I'm sure there are people like me.

Are YOU a demigod(or half-blood)?Are you the daughter or son of any Greek god or goddess?If you don't know it,then thanks to this great quiz, you will find out about yourself!

Created by: Annabeth(Jyotsna)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u ever feel like ur lost,and u r missing something?
  2. r u a very boring person?(i mean does anybody say this?)
  3. where do u feel safe/secure/happy/comfortable?(which ever u choose)
  4. what is the colour of ur eyes?
  5. are u getting bored?because i am!
  6. has anything happened which shocked u,and was it quite absurd and dangerous?
  7. have u read percy jackson?
  8. did u like PJ?
  9. whom would u like 2 fight with?
  10. which weapon would u use?
  11. do u have dislexia or ADHD?

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Quiz topic: Am I a demigod?