The Verse update

"The Verse" is an unofficial, unpublished, unconfirmed, unrecognized, and unwatchable show created by the legend himself, Matt Olsson. This show has not been published.

I also need to make it very clear that this show has not been published. However, there are a surplus of other quizzes about "The Verse" on GoToQuiz, but please do not pay attention to the information. We'll never know what Matt will publish in the long run.

Created by: K K
  1. What is this?
  2. Who is the actual creator of the show (this is the most obvious question and the easiest)?
  3. Who is the main antagonist of the show?
  4. Who is the secondary antagonist of the show?
  5. How many of the main characters total will there be in the show?
  6. Don't pay attention to the other quizzes on GoToQuiz. There are other quizzes about The Verse on this site. You shouldn't pay attention or believe what they say on this site because of what?
  7. Who is the most hated character in the show, without a doubt?
  8. Who is the second most hated character in the show?
  9. Who is the least hated character in the show, without a doubt?
  10. When will this show be published?

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