The Ultimate Odd Squad Quiz

This is the ultimate quiz of Odd Squad! Only take this if you know EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW about the squad. If you don't listen, well, I warned you...

So there will be Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. Parts One and Three are just general knowledge. But Two is different. It will give three adjectives, and you name the character it describes. Easy enough? Good.

Created by: Faith
  1. Let's start with something easy. Every Odd Squad agent's name starts with:
  2. So now, pick the character that did NOT appear in Season 1:
  3. How many seasons of Odd Squad are there?
  4. Which of the following DOES wear glasses? There are two correct answers.
  5. There are many departments in Odd Squad. Four are listed below. One is fake. Which is NOT a department?
  6. There was only ONE main character with visible freckles. Find them.
  7. Which of the following boys has turned into an actual couch?
  8. Which of the following girls has turned into an actual pirate?
  9. Which of the following boys loves souvenirs?
  10. Which of the following girls contacted a cake virus, turned into a blue cake, and got smashed?
  11. Part 2 of the quiz: Optimistic, silly, ambitious.
  12. Food-lover, laid-back, dance-lover.
  13. Mysterious, dance-lover, work-lover
  14. Sassy, childish, pompous.
  15. Foolish, selfish, quick-thinker.
  16. Okay, okay, last one of Part Two. Confusing, smart, 'well done, my gorgeous ham sandwiches!'
  17. Never said it was the end of the quiz! Ha! What do you think so far? (this has no effect on your result.)
  18. What is the finale of season 1 titled?
  19. How about season 2?
  20. And season 3?
  21. And Season 4?
  22. Okay, I'll stop with that. There have been 4 seen X's on the show. Who is one of them?
  23. What is Oprah's birth month?
  24. How about Osvaldo's?
  25. The final question! Two people have the same name in Odd Squad, and they want to call a name-off. What do they do?

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