Which Odd Squad character are you?

This quiz will detect the Odd Squad character that is most like you is. In only 10 questions, you will know. So what are you waiting for? GO!!!

What are you doin here? Please go back to the quiz. Please? Ok, if you want to know what it is, it's a quiz that detects which Odd Squad character you are most like. So now you know.

Created by: Faith
  1. You want a snack. What do you NOT get?
  2. What hairstyle are you wearing?
  3. Let's say you're at work. Your boss just promoted you. Do you...
  4. Do you like the tubes?
  5. What is your eye color?
  6. Do you have something unreasonable in your past?
  7. Do you like reading?
  8. If you are something related to the production of a movie, what are you?
  9. Pick a word.
  10. And finally, what would be considered your unlucky number?

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Quiz topic: Which Odd Squad character am I?
