THE SPACE QUIZ: Test your knowledge

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Hi there! :3 Welcome to my quiz! This is all about space! Some questions might be easy and some not so much… Space is one of my favorite things to learn about so I thought why not make a quiz?

So how much do you know about space? Can you get every question right? And also hey…. No looking up answers. We don’t tolerate cheating here! Good luck! :D

Created by: Midnight_Moon
  1. What year was the first moon landing?
  2. Which planet is the largest?
  3. Which planet is smallest?
  4. What are stars in the sky that form shapes called?
  5. What is the brightest star in the NIGHT sky?
  6. How many moons does Venus have?
  7. How many moons does Uranus have?
  8. What is Andromeda?
  9. What is the largest constellation?
  10. What is the smallest constellation?

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Quiz topic: THE SPACE QUIZ: Test my knowledge
