Space Knowledge Quiz

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Are you interested in space? Come enjoy this little quiz I made to test your knowledge. I'm no expert, but perhaps you are? Why don't you give it a go?

Alright. Now that you're here, all you have to do is select the correct answer to each question, and once you're done, you'll get your results. Easy, right? Good luck.

Created by: Xavier_
  1. What is a meteoroid?
  2. What is a meteorite?
  3. How many moons does Saturn have?
  4. What is Venus' true color?
  5. What is the light phenomenon located in the southern hemisphere in the night sky?
  6. What is the light phenomenon located in the Northern hemisphere in the night sky?
  7. What is the number of planets in the Milky Way Galaxy at least
  8. What is Earth's orbital speed around the sun?
  9. How many Earths can fit inside the sun?
  10. Why is space so dark?

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