The smiles family.

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You are going to get the quiz if you are eather a good fan, eather a bad fan.Or you maybe will be a Great Fan Yayyayaayyayayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayayay ily

You can replay, thats fine.I dont really care. do anything you want , i dont really want to make this that long, thats all.Yayyayaayyayayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayayay ily

Created by: Everest
  1. Who is the sister of the smiles family?
  2. Who is the one that Killed Matthew Smiles?
  3. What name would you take for a Smiles Family Member?
  4. are you willing to help Matthew?
  5. Will you let me die?
  6. Who is the Father Of the Smiles Family?
  7. mom or dad
  8. Who died?
  9. last question omg.,Who had became a Guest In smiles Family?
  10. Bye bye! , thank you for coming

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