What oc from Ravens family best describes you?

Hi! This is just a random quiz cause I’m bored and curious. I don’t expect this to be too serious. After all. No one really cares lol. Raven my beloved

So if you don’t know, this is basically Raven’s family, his mother, father, and sister. This quiz can show some of the lore in Raven’s universe. Let me know in the comments on my channel (ParaAnimates203) about Raven and his family and stuff

Created by: ParaAnimates203
  1. What is the first thing you do when you and your tribe is under attack by another tribe?
  2. If you were in one of the tribes, what would be your tribe/what’s your power?
  3. What would your main job be in the tribe?
  4. Who do you think you are going to get?
  5. Favorite types of movie?
  6. Who would you protect first?
  7. Favorite color?
  8. What trait can you describe yourself?
  9. I’m running out of ideas.
  10. Ok I’m forced to make 10 questions so this is the last one oc. Are you excited to see who you got?

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Quiz topic: What oc from Ravens family best describes me?
