The Sea lovers part 1

OK plot:16 year old Aislin Is getting married when she comes across josh the ex-merman. She gets caught on who to marry Josh or Beathan?She goes through her time until finally she makes up her mind

Created by: ravenclaw_love
  1. OK guys please read the stuff up there and tell me what you think^.^
  2. -sunrise- I sit up as the sun starts to shine through the th crystal blue waters and swing my legs around to the side of my coral bed.I run my hands through my hair and hurry to the mirror to brush it. as i brush my hair it turn lighter and lighter until its a golden firery red.I head over to the counter and grab a scrubber to scrub off the loose scales on my tail. I look happly at my sea blue-green tail.I go down the hallway until i reach the dinning room. MY mother and father are already eating freash coral fruit and seaweed salad.I sit down next to my mom and ask ,"MOther ,you said today i wash going to meet Beathen?".my mother gives a hurried reply between her next bite,"yes my dear, but remember it is-", i cut her off and fininsh her senetnce "not my choice for it is also my duty", my mother gives me a nod and contuines eating. i sigh feeling how can i marry and have kids with i guy i have never meet? not also that but the wedding is in only two weeks!I dont notice but my eyes downcast with sorrow and my dad sees it."now my sweet," he starts off but i hurry back into my bedroom and float down onto my bed silently crying. I hear a knock on my door and get ready to tell whoever it is but the voice says something i did not want to hear."Aislin are you there?, its me Beathen"
  3. I throw a pillow at the door and shout"not now Beathen! just not now!"i cry for an hour and i hear someone sigh. i swim to the door with a trail of bubbles fololwing behind me and my face truing the brightest red and fling the door open.I screm to my future husband"i told you to go away why didnt you listen i want to be alone!", my face was now deep crismon and i was furios.Beathen just looks at me his face migled with delight and horro. "well?!?" i shout nto wanting to be stared at. He just stands there and stares at me i push past him and swim to a diffrenet room and find i came in to my catfish's rom. Pearl comes up to me and circles then rests on my lap. I look down at him a stroke him silkly scales. i hear down the hall my "husband" shoutinjg my name and opening and closing doors trying so hard to find me. i slide down onto the ground with a jumble of hair around my face sobbing.i think in my head plans to escape this life but none are good ,at least to pass a commener. i just lay there for what seem hours until i finnaly exit the catsle and go outside to take a walk.
  4. As i swim out im tempted to go up near shore. At first i keep shaking off the idea until finnal i come to a beach and my heart over comes me when i hear this clear pleasent voice. Byits picth it was a boy but he sang like a bird we would hear during the night when we were looking for loose shell under the water very close to the beach. I stop and listen for a while but too soon he stops singing and walks toward to water. i stay out of sight behind a rock. Right when i see him my breath is taken away, he has soft brown hair and crystal green eyes. MY mind loses all control and my heart takes over. I go into sight and he spots me right away.Unlike most people we have been told about he walked up to me right away. He stared into my eyes and sayed dead right to me "my name is josh what is yours?".
  5. Right there my brain takes control again but my haert still controls me in a way i start to say"my name is A-", but i get pulled down by my tail and dragged under i trun around to see who pulled meand i see that dirty blonde gray-eyed scowling, fool about to shout when he puts a finger to my lips and says "are you crazy?!? dont talk to josh he used to be a merman but now making the mistake of marrying an earth women got turned into a man" after that he shudders. i ask why is he so dangerous , and beathen replys," its not him but your father he would kill you if he found out!" he scowls one more time and takes me home. lucky for me beathen does not tell my dad what all happened and i just get sent to my room for the night with no supper. I fling myself on my bed and sob again. It croses my mind how much i have been doing this and wonders when will i ever stop?
  6. I wake up in the moring and without even caring what i look like , i go back to the beach. not only was josh not there but Beathan found me again and dragged me back home. For the rest of the day i was in my rom. The new spread around the castle that i hated Beathan and that i would rather die than marry them.I huff when i hear that, at least they did not make it seem more than it is. I swim back to the beach one more time and to my delight i find josh back singing the same song he did last time, but instead of waiting i jump out and say hello.Josh smiles at me and we talk for hours on end as i laugh at somthing he said i look around and see the sun was already setting! i leave right away without waiting for a goodby. At the beachi hear josh shouting my name but i dont focus on him i just swim as fast as i can as i get home my father loks at me dissapointed. I ask him" dad what is worng?" he looks at me with great srrow and says "why did you do this?"i gasp wondering how he could know!
  7. ok guys my hands have cramps and im tired so ill make the next part soon!
  8. i wonder why do we have to have 12 questions?? hmm
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