8th Grader Lovers Part 1

Hey! This is InvaderEmily here! I have a LOOOOVE story for you guys today. I know its a little slow, but part 2 will be sooo much better and longer. So yeah.

Hey. I'm kinda lazy and don't want to write a second paragraph. Hey! This is InvaderEmily here! I have a LOOOOVE story for you guys today. I know its a little slow, but part 2 will be sooo much better and longer. So yeah.

Created by: InvaderEmily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You arrive at Waters Middle School, where you will be the new student. As an 8th grader, you want your last year of middle school to go perfectly, so your nervous about what will happen.
  2. A tall boy with shaggy black hair walks up to you. "Hi." he says, "Are you the new student?" "Yeah, my name is _____." you say. "I'm Sam. Want me to show you to your first class?"
  3. He ends up showing you to your class whether you like it or not. As you arrive, he sprints off for his class, giving you a little wave. You head for the only empty seat, next to a short guy with dark brown locks. He's wearing a lot of leather, and looks pretty tough. He turns in your direction and gives you a smile.
  4. He passes you a piece of paper. You unfold it and read the messy writing. "Hi. I'm Jack. I think ur hot :D" You...
  5. As the class lets out, Jack catches up to you. "Hey. You know my name, but I don't know yours." He says, smiling. "I'm _____." "Want to hang out later, ___?"
  6. You end up agreeing to meet him after school, and head to your next class. One class after another goes by, until it's time for lunch. Unsure of where to sit, you stand in the middle, looking around. You see one of the football jocks wave you over, and you head uncertainty to sit by him.
  7. "Hi. I'm ___." You say. "Hi. I'm Leon." he introduces the rest of the team, and one leaves (at Leon's insistence) to make a spot for you right next to Leon.
  8. After school, you wait for Jack outside on a bench. You hear footsteps behind you, and turn to see Sam. "Hi. _____, I have to tell you something. I think your really hot." He sits down next to you and leans in for a kiss.
  9. Jack walks up and sees you two kiss. (Or sees you two really close with your hands on his chest, if you chose to push him away.) "_____!! I told you I liked you! What are you doing? We have a date!"
  10. Who do you think you like right now??
  11. Will you rate, comment, and stay tuned for part 2???

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