The Mushroom Quiz - What Type Are You?

This is a quiz that tells you what type of mushroom you are, while asking questions about you. I have to do 150 characters long to publish this quiz, so I'mma just go and do some random thangs.....bfcbdhvjdsinvdjisnvidnbjnjlbxijbgilsjbijldbvlijdsbvjbzklvjbdxlkjvbdljbviljdxbvjzdbfvjbdzjlvbdjvbdsjbvijdfvijdsbijvbdfi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OKay I still need to do 150 words! sorry everyone just go do the quiz...........iurfheirbvijrbvirvijbsivjbrijvbirbvijbvijbdijvbdijbvijdbvjidbivbdijbvidbviuerbvueb!