What type of Mario Mushroom are you?

Mushrooms. They're everywhere. Even in Mario Games. But have you ever wondered which one you are most like??? if you have ever wondered that, than take this quiz to find out!!!

Are you a 1-up Mushroom, Super Mushroom, or Mini Mushroom? What about a Mega Mushroom, Propeller Mushroom or Boo Mushroom? If you aren't sure, take this quiz to find out!

Created by: JeffreyL
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. People call you:
  3. You think your best....
  4. Which Mushroom do you think is the most helpful?
  5. Which Mushroom is your favorite?
  6. Which Mushroom do you think you'll get?
  7. You are locked in a library for 1 night, you would...
  8. You encounter a cat. It is frothing from the mouth. You would...
  9. How do you react when someone close to you dies?
  10. If your house caught fire, what two things would you save? (besides people)
  11. You just got a new pet dog, what type of dog is it?
  12. You are going swimming, what would you bring in with you?
  13. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of Mario Mushroom am I?