The Experimental Facility

You’ve been captured by a secret organization that deals in dirty deeds, choose your choices wisely, as you can’t take them back......................

Had to have two paragraphs so I’m smashing my head on my keyboard now ttdhjdjfjfjfjfjfjfjjfkdkdjfjhfgtfjgdbjffh. Hodgkin can gn. Gg. ghsjdjdjdhfhjdjdjdhdhdjd

Created by: Hazel
  1. You find yourself strapped down on an operating table, fully naked, your manhood exposed.
  2. You hear a male voice “Ah, you’re awake. Don’t fret, the procedure will start soon.”
  3. “This procedure will take you from a mere 17 year old boy into a beautiful young lady...” he says with an evil laugh.
  4. He takes a vial and flourishes it. “This is pure estrogen, it will disintegrate your penis and cause you to grow female attachments.”
  5. (For if you chose to break the binds) You see multiple ways to escape, how do you do it?
  6. (If you didn’t choose to break the binds) He injects the estrogen into you, and you start feeling changes in your body.
  7. You see your d--- slowly getting smaller.
  8. (If you chose to burst out of the chair) How do you stun him?
  9. (If you chose to stay) your d--- is now completely gone, replaced by a slit the looks like a vagina.
  10. (If you escaped too late) you steal clothes from the lockers and run home. By now you have fully changed into a female.
  11. (If in the facility) You heat a soft growl, and powerful arms spreading your legs apart. “You’re mine now...”

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