The war of Talta: Chapter 1

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Hello! I will be making more of these so don't worry about how short it is! The war between the Griffons of the east and the basilisk of the serpent kingdom has been going on for 12 years! You play as Silverray, a highly trained warrior.

The choices you make affect the outcome of the war, so choose wisely! And remember it's not about being right, it's about what you're personal opinion is.

Created by: Jellybean247
  1. You wake up inside your bunkhouse with all the other soldiers. Soulfire climbs up to the top of the bunk bed you share with him, and he sits on you're bed. "Goodmorning Silverray." He says cheerfully. say back...
  2. You climb down with Soulfire and you both put on you're armor. "Let's head to the mess hall now." He said. "Race ya!" You race to the mess hall and see that Foxmane and Greyfar are fighting again. What do you do?
  3. You get out of the mess hall as fast as you can, your lunch in tow. You eat it quickly and head to your battle station, the Basilisks are advancing and you want to...
  4. You advance and you're friends/teammates Soulfire, Foxmane, and Greyfar are right behind you. You...
  5. Foxmane is struck down and can't get up. And Greyfar is too busy fighting a basilisk to help. Soulfire is nowhere in sight. You finally decide to...
  6. You rush to the front of the line, slaying as many basilisks as you can. "Silverray!" Foxmane called out. Her foot was stuck in the moth of a slain Serpent and many more were slithering towards her. You decide to...
  7. Soulfire and you sneak through the front gates of King Scorpio's castle and hide in the front entrance. "What now? Soulfire asks. You respond by saying...
  8. You rush into the chambers of King Scorpio and he smiles wickedly at you. "Why hello there, Silverray." He says. You respond...
  9. He laughs and slithers towards you. "I will make you a deal, little bird." He smiled. "I will make you the leader of my army if you join me. If not, I will kill you." you...
  10. Soulfire suddenly launches at King Scorpio. You know that the king is too powerful for Soulfire to take on his own so you...

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