The Dooble Quiz

Are you a dooble? Why don't you find out with this short little quiz? It's just 13 questions long, and they aren't hard questions either! Let's discover whether YOU'RE a dooble!

You probably are wondering "What in the world is a dooble?". Let me explain: a dooble is someone often called immature, childish, etc. But doobles are much more than that! Often, doobles are the life of the party! Everyone wants to be there friend (unless, of course, they're a booligur!). Find out if you're a dooble!

Created by: Doogle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like waving to random peoole?
  2. Do you do goofy smiles?
  3. Do you like flashy stuff?
  4. Do you do fresh moves?
  5. Do you like goofy things?
  6. Do you watch baby shows?
  7. Someone is capturing you! What do you do?
  8. You are invited to a party. What do you bring as a gift?
  9. You go to the mall with a fashionable friend, and there's a sale at the clothing store. What do you guys do?
  10. There's a party at the popular girl's house, and she invites you! Do you go?
  11. You want to go to a cool theme park, why?
  12. Which is your favorite combo?

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