All about Audrey!

This quiz captures the essence of me. A lot of the answers to these questions are pretty important to me and can usually be found somewhere on the internet. Think really hard and try your best!

The questions aren't too hard and you've probably heard me talk about the majority of them before, so just think back to all of our past conversations!

Created by: Audrey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. Where was I born?
  3. What is my sign?
  4. Where do I go to school?
  5. What's my dog's name?
  6. Do I have any siblings?
  7. What is my preferred beverage(non-alchoholic!)?
  8. Where do I work?
  9. What car would I hate to have?
  10. Flats or heels?
  11. What is my favorite art form?
  12. What show is NOT one of my favorites?
  13. Favorite dessert of all time?

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