The Cursed One (part 7) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Cursed One (part 7).
Loved it, and I know what song that was where it goes "And I'm not paralyzed but I seem to be struck by you..." That song is Paralyzer by "Finger Eleven" they are an awesome band, but you are an awesome writer.
I LOVED it!!!!!!! It's like every time u make a new chapter it gets better an better it is FANTASTIC and I CAN'T wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Faith1 -
Oh yeah, and part 8 is out!!!!!!!! But it didn't show up on the new quizzes list, so you have to click my username.
Thanks Faith. To be honest, I feel like I rush it a lot XD.
Thanks. It was bugging me by not knowing that song title. And awww, thank you :).
Dre...knew it..ugh, LAUREN?! hey, what song WAS Travis singing? I would've loved to be there...
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