The Bible Quiz!

This quiz has ten questions about the Bible. Take it to see how much you know about the Bible. Results may not be that accurate because I have only ten questions.

At the end, I tried to put advice for lower scores. I try to read my Bible everyday. It is very important to read the Bible. Ok, now scroll down and try your best. God bless!

Created by: _VicTheShyFox_
  1. What did God change Jacob's name to?
  2. On what day did Jesus rise from the dead?
  3. Who wrote about the end of the world?
  4. Who was in a whale? (Or a big fish. I'm not entirely sure.)
  5. Why did God make a rainbow after the great flood?
  6. What could the staff turn into?
  7. Who's brothers sold him?
  8. Who ate the forbidden fruit first?
  9. Who killed Abel?
  10. Why did the person from the last question kill Abel?

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